A Bible Believing Seminary

New Courses

Christian Spanish 1                                                                                                                                                  This is a good course for students who desire to take missionary trips to Spanish countries. Also, will help the student to witness to Spanish people who know very little or no English. Basic grammar is covered and actual soul winning. This course is taught by Dr. Paul O. Dabdoub.

Koine Greek Appreciation 101                                                                                                                               This is an introduction to New Testament Koine Greek taught by Dr. Creighton Lovelace. This Course includes an intensive drill in basic vocabulary matters and introduces the student to the concept of learning some basic Greek words found in the New Testament. This course ultimately is designed to help the student understand how to use the “Greek” in defending the King James Bible.

The Apostle Paul                                                                                                                                                           This is a Biblical study of the life of the Apostle Paul. The study begins with his persecution of the church, his salvation on the road to Damascus, and then an in-depth study of his ministry. This study is taught by Dr. Paul O. Dabdoub. An exciting course for the Bible student.

The Apostle Peter                                                                                                                                                     This also is a Biblical study of the life of the Apostle Peter. The study begins with his life a s a typical person. The study covers his ‘running of his mouth’, temper that several times got him into trouble. The study, taught by Dr. Paul O. Dabdoub then goes into his ministry. An exciting course.

Twenty First Century Counseling                                                                                                                                This course, taught by Dr. Michael Nace is designed to identify and help the counselor to navigate through the isssues that he/she may face as a counselor dealing with “Gender Issues, mental health issues unhealthy dependencies” etc. Dr. Nace is the Pastor of Java Village Baptist Church.

Dealing With Addictions                                                                                                                                         This is a study, by Dr. Michael Nace, dealing with addictions. He covers many of the addictions that the Counselor will face in the counseling room.

Human Sexuality and the Ministry                                                                                                                             This course is a needed and frank approach to the subject of temptation and surrounding issues in the ministry. It covers the subjects of Biblical History of sexuality, and drive. It deals with current issues facing those in the ministry.

Pre Marriage Counseling taught by Dr. Michael Nace. In this course we will cover important points that couples need to consider before marriage. Topics  that challenge and strengthen marriage will be discussed. Also what the Pastor is responsible and not responsible for in Pre-Marriage Counseling.

Spiritual Depression taught by Dr. Paul O. Dabdoub. It deals with Spiritual depression and in this course the student is challenged with ways to deal with this issue. Many examples and types are dealt with and helpful solutions are given.